About the Hunab Ku

Wow. When I first came across this ancient symbol, it stopped me in my tracks and resonated profoundly with me. It always will.
Among its many meanings, Hunab Ku symbolizes opposites merging harmoniously.
Good and evil.
Feminine and masculine.
Life and death.
Internal and external.
Dark and light.
Unconscious and conscious.
Yin and yang.
Down and up.

Hunab Ku is the bridge that unites opposites. The Stoneslayer series chronicles and fictionalizes multiple lives that I have lived as a mixed-race person trying to embody that bridge.
Additional meanings for Hunab Ku include galactic butterfly, one true God, cycles of nature and human lives, order, balance, wholeness, and unity in/of the multiverse.
One final note. People variously ascribe this symbol to the Aztecs and/or the Mayans. Originally the Hunab Ku was Toltec, and it came with this mysterious people after they fled their drowned island home and took refuge in the continent known today as South America.
Like any group of people, the Toltecs were neither all good nor wholly bad, whatever those words really mean. Like human beings today, the Toltecs struggled to connect with God, with each other, and especially with their hearts. They met their demise because they rejected their heart energy in favor of power and wealth, yet that ultimately brought them neither.