What is Storyhealing?

The One Who Cares in the heart chakra garden. Art by Jana L. Simons
The way I practice storyhealing, using the Sunan method, involves the wider realities that I talk about in my videos and write about in my fiction and nonfiction. Those wider realities include the emotional (subconscious) and spiritual (unconscious) parts of self. The parts of our being that traditional talk therapy overlooks or even contends don’t exist at all or exist only as chemical signals or electrical responses. Not hardly.
The emotional and spiritual are fully one-half of who we truly are, and are as valid and necessary to our well-being as the mental and physical half. The emotional-spiritual side of our being is our door to wider realities. Our door to hope and healing.
Now, we human types are hard-wired to use and tell stories to interpret our world and make sense of our experiences in it. But we also tell ourselves stories at the emotional and spiritual level of self to interpret and make sense of personal experiences.
Such inner stories may be appropriate for what actually transpired. All too often, however, those inner stories arise out of misunderstanding self or others or from trying to survive and make sense of an intense, often overwhelming emotional and/or physical trauma. However inaccurate and painful, we replay those hidden stories over and over again, and live out the resulting miserable self-destructive cycles of feelings, beliefs, and actions.
Those devastating inner stories are not readily available to the conscious mind. The part of self that talk therapy addresses. If they were, we could begin to heal them. The good news is we can bring those stories to light and change them! There are many ways to do this, but I found the Sunan method most helpful in healing without reexperiencing the pain and trauma surrounding a story.
Storyhealing as I practice it hones in on the stories buried and trapped in the emotional part of self’s magnetic energy. That is the place within self where all dis-ease arises and where healing at every level of self begins.
Storyhealing literally prevented me from taking my own life or dying from the toll that runaway terror takes on the physical body. I urge you to find your way to move through that door to your wider realities.