Candace Lynn Talmadge Bio
Short: An author, storyhealer, and paranormalist, Candace Lynn Talmadge weaves words into wider realities. She is a former business journalist who knew since age 12 that she wanted to write a paranormal novel and spent decades researching arcane topics. This ignited her passion for alternative spirituality, leading her to become a Sunan storyhealer. Her profound spiritual transformation resulted in the Stoneslayer paranormal fiction series, a fictionalized autobiography based on four of her past lives.
Long: When Candace Lynn was 12 years old, she read The Lord of the Rings and was captivated. The mother of her best friend handed Candace Lynn a novel and told her, “You can write something like this.”
That was also the age Candace Lynn experienced an instantly accurate prophetic dream. One Friday night, she dreamt that her mother and she went to visit one of her mother’s friends who was in hospital dying of cancer. Candace Lynn had done that with her mom several times. When they reached the nurses station, one of them said, “I’m sorry. You can’t visit Mrs. Smith. (Not her actual name.) She died at three this morning.”
Candace Lynn awoke and since it was Saturday, it was her job to set the table for breakfast. She was in the kitchen when the phone rang. Not long afterward her mother walked into the kitchen, her eyes red-rimmed. “Mrs. Smith died at three this morning.” Candace Lynn gulped and said nothing. There was nothing for her to say.
That dream, which she never talked about until just recently, opened Candace Lynn to the wider realities beyond the rational-material.
Pursuing those wider realities, she spent decades researching arcane topics in order to write her novel. That ignited within her a passion for alternative healing and spirituality, while in the so-called real world, she was a business journalist.
She even participated briefly in one of the last of the great newspaper wars in Dallas, Texas. She wrote for the Dallas Times Herald, covering advertising, marketing, media, and retailing. She often managed to scoop the crosstown rag even though four different business reporters covered the same beats Candace Lynn did. It was quite the career experience.
When the patient is ready, the healer appears. In 1986, Candace Lynn met her life partner (eventually her wife) and co-author of her nonfiction. She experienced storyhealing through the Sunan method. At the urging of her spirit guides, Candace Lynn trained to be a Sunan storyhealer working in the energy of human consciousness.
Jana and she wrote nonfiction about how storyhealing at the emotional level, with help from the spiritual body, can achieve powerful breakthroughs that traditional approaches struggle fruitlessly for years to achieve yet never attain. They also co-authored nonfiction about a way to contact a deceased loved one.
Candace Lynn’s profound transfiguration through storyhealing also unleashed the fiction she had been struggling to write. The resulting Stoneslayer series is based on four of her past lives and the past lives of family and friends.
As a storyhealer/paranormalist
“Candace’s Meet Your Guides Meditation alone is worth the investment in the entire course! I was able to meet my guides on a more personal level than I had been able to do in the past. Now each of my guides have names & I am clear as about their message for me. The Meet Your Guides program gave me the information to easily connect with my guides and hear and see their messages on a daily basis! THANK YOU Candace!
Barbara Schaefer
Live Beyond Chronic Pain Coach
“Candace is passionate about helping people meet their guides to reaffirm and deepen this unique spiritual connection, which is so crucial to their welfare and personal growth. She is authentic and has inspired me.”
Judith Fine-Sarchielli
Certified Communications Strategist
Sarchielli & Associates
“The sound of Candace’s voice, which offered kindness and authority, helped me comfortably settle into a trusting place to fully participate in the ‘welcoming of my guides.’ Her intuitive sense of knowing when a guide was there to help and when a guide was provisional, supported my witnessing a deeper understanding of myself. I embrace my new relationship with my guides and call on them when I am faced with life’s obstacles and joys. Treat yourself to a session with Candace as she opens the doors, allowing your guides to be fully present revealing their own individual gifts. Thank you, Candace!”
Irma Jennings
Founder, Food for Healthy Bones
“As someone who tends to be skeptical about the existence of spiritual guides (thinking of it more as intuition), I found Candace to be wise, welcoming and the session offered helpful insights into how I could bring greater fulfillment and meaning into my life.”
Life Coach
As an author
“For someone grieving the loss of a loved one, The Afterlife Healing Circle is a fountain of comfort and hope. Beautifully written and inspiring.”
Gary E. Schwartz, PhD
Professor of Psychology, Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry and Surgery
University of Arizona
Author of The Afterlife Experiments
The Afterlife Healing Circle describes a practice that enables some people to commune with loved ones who have crossed to the other side of life. This reconnection can serve as a key point in the healing process, allowing the bereaved to understand that their lives are meaningful and purposeful.”
Mark Ireland
Author, Messages From the Afterlife and Soul Shift
Early on I struggled as a medium. Thankfully, today’s seekers have The Afterlife Healing Circle, a wonderful and supportive work for those who need guidance for afterlife awareness. Understanding how we can contact departed loved ones, while honoring the needs of the spirit world, are a few of the many valuable tools in this book.”
Carla Willis-Brandon
Author of 13 books, including Heavenly Hugs and One Last Hug Before I Go
As a writer and writing coach
“I found your discussion of effective testimonials topnotch.”
Katie Curtin
“I learned more about the inner workings of my home webpage in ten minutes than I could have with an army of coaches! I thank you so much for your help. Your three rules of writing are also fantastic gems that I will take with me and use over and over again. Thank you!”
Jillian Fraioli
The Bookkeepers Network
“Your copy clinic sparked a makeover of my testimonials page. In less than 15 minutes, you clearly explained how to turn excellent reviews into glowing ones that are more likely to move people who are interested in working with me to action.”
Carlyn Saltman
“What an informative call this past week, Candace. Thank you so much. You really know your stuff :)”
Laura Ramirez
Author, Keepers of the Children
“The service you offer helping people clean up, tune up, and work up their written material is priceless.”
Mary Rose Franklin
“I appreciate so much all the work you put into the article that was submitted for publication in the ARC News regarding MSA Map. I believe it is very insightful and you have portrayed our company very well.
“Again, thank you for your time and efforts.”
Douglas D. Bruton
Bruton Information, Inc.
“I’ve been meaning to mention that I think you’ve had a string of really good stories lately. All of them–Dell’s marketing, Fossil, Hand and Exxon–have been used on Reuters financial services so they’ve gotten some wide distribution. Many thanks.”
Barry Hanson, Editor
Reuters Advertising & Media Briefing
Questions and Answers
Q: Why do you call yourself an author, storyhealer, and paranormalist?
A: I am trying to include the major facets of my life and being. My career as a writer encompassed business journalism and business storytelling. Along the way I learned to help others (and myself) heal deep wounds using the Sunan method of emotional storyhealing. I co-authored and published two nonfiction books about emotional healing resolution using Sunan storyhealing.
Paranormalist is my way of saying I take my own unique perspective on life and reality. I am not merely a physical-mental being. I am also an emotional-spiritual being, too. Recognizing, respecting, and integrating the emotional-spiritual half of my being with the mental-physical side has widened my realities exponentially.
Finally, I realized something that brought all of this together. As a writer/author, I weave words into wider realities that reflect my own inner journey to reclaim half of me and live out of all of me, not just parts of my being.
Q: What do you mean by wider realities?
A: The realities of the heart and soul. The mental-physical half of self focuses relentlessly on this material world. There’s nothing wrong with that but it is limited. Those who try to live solely out of the mental-physical miss out on half of who they truly are. The heart and the soul are the parts of our being that connect us to our inner selves, to others, and to the Divine, however we imagine that to be. We cannot live authentic, complete lives while exalting parts of self at the expense of other parts. It just doesn’t work. I know. I tried it for decades and was broken and miserable. Not anymore.
Q: It all seems a bit airy-fairy-flaky. Is there any practical benefit to the emotional and spiritual?
A: Of course! Or I wouldn’t do it. Trying to live out of only the emotional-spiritual is just as limiting as living out of only the mental and physical. When we as spirits dwell in physical bodies we very much need all of self, not just parts.
Think of trying to go about your day hopping around on one foot. Most of us can do it, but it severely limits our motion and makes us prone to toppling over. Ignoring the emotional-spiritual side of our being is akin to trying to navigate life on one leg only. Ditto for trying to live only out of the emotional and spiritual. Difficult and wobbly at best.
In addition, there is no true healing our physical disease and ailments without first involving and healing the emotional and spiritual, because that part of self is the ultimate source of all physical disease. Physical symptoms or disorders are the outward manifestation of dis-ease that has been stirring for a long time in the depths of our emotions and souls. And by long time I mean over thousands of lifetimes, not just our current incarnation.
Q: That sounds like you believe in reincarnation or past lives. Do you?
A: Yes. Only because so much of my healing has involved dozens and dozens of my own past lives and the past lives of my clients and a few family members, like my late wife.
Here’s the issue with past life exploration. If you take a purely mental approach to it, you will always wonder if it was “real” or just a figment of your imagination. In the terrific film Coming Back—Reincarnation in America (see it in its entirely for free on You Tube), a series of past life experiments were conducted in Australia by an Australian psychologist. He put under hypnosis three Australian women who had never traveled outside their country. Nonetheless they knew facts about places in European countries that they could not possibly have known without having lived in those locales.
They also had intense emotional reactions to those places when they traveled there physically. Past life exploration does bring up emotional issues, and if you don’t resolve those issues, they rattle around in your conscious awareness and it’s not comfortable. As a Sunan storyhealer, I take clients through past lives not to prove that reincarnation is real, but to heal emotional-spiritual issues lingering from those lives. That to me is the real point of exploring past lives.
Once the issues are resolved, past lives can then be a tremendous source of great stories for novels. My fiction series, Stoneslayer, is based on four of my past lives and the past lives of family and friends.
Azgard’s eerie resemblance to the United States today is the topic of Candace Lynn’s author interview with Fourteenth Avenue Press, December, 2024
Candace Lynn talks about the afterlife with Sandra Champlain on the We Don’t Die show, November, 2024
Candace Lynn Talmadge: Views on the Afterlife –, June 6, 2024
Want a free sample of The Afterlife Healing Circle? Candace Lynn’s afterlife communication book was excerpted on
Perspectives from the Sky Astrology Forecast with Leo Knighton Tallarico – November 18, 2023.
Astrologer Leo Knighton Tallarico has some thought provoking perspectives on what’s coming up in 2024 for this nation and the world.
I never realized how much astrology and knowing about my natal chart could help me heal and grow until a mutual friend introduced me to Leo.
I talk (starting at 33:54 minutes) about how much Leo has helped me when I join him for a discussion about astrology and healing.
Communicating with Those Who Have Passed Over – Synergy Connection radio, April 20, 2021
The Past Lives Podcast – Sept. 23, 2018
Afterlife Communications – Coast to Coast AM, April 5, 2016
Healing Circles with Candace Talmadge – Bringing Inspiration to Earth Radio, 2011
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